Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League

The Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League (SJHL), SaskEnergy Network Members and KidSport celebrate funds raised by the 2015/2016 Goals for KidSport Program

By Shannon Doka, SaskEnergy

The SJHL, the SaskEnergy Network of independent retailers and contractors, and KidSport are proud to celebrate the accomplishments of the 2015/2016 Goals for KidSport Program. Thanks to SaskEnergy Network Member companies, community volunteers and fans of the SJHL, $26,918 was donated to KidSport through the Program.

“Since it was introduced in 2014, Goals for KidSport has raised more than $46,000 for Saskatchewan families in need of a helping hand to register children in sports,” said Randy Weekes, MLA Biggar – SaskValley on behalf of the Honourable Dustin Duncan, Minister Responsible for SaskEnergy, “SJHL games are always exciting, but through this Program, the eleven teams in the league have the added incentive, knowing that all home team goals scored help raise funds in their communities!”

The Goals for KidSport Program sees SaskEnergy donate $20 to KidSport for every goal scored by the home team during the regular season, up to 1,000 goals. SJHL teams have reached this goal for the past two years, with 1,257 goals scored last season.

“What an exciting way for the league to give back to their communities. Goals for KidSport is a great opportunity for our players to be directly involved in making a difference in children’s lives,” said Bill Chow, President of the SJHL.

Tonight at the North Battleford Civic Arena, the 2015/2016 cheque was presented to KidSport Saskatchewan. The Battlefords North Stars were also presented the KidSport Cup for being the Saskatchewan SJHL team that scored the most goals this past season, 102 in total, with forward Layne Young being recognized as the 1,000th goal scorer.

“The local chapters are embracing this fundraising project with open arms, each community has been very supportive and they will put the funds raised to very good use, to date with these funds raised up to 75 kids have been provided the opportunity to participate in sport,” explained Carolyn Ganes, KidSport Saskatchewan Community Consultant.

The Goals for KidSport Program generated the following amounts to Saskatchewan KidSport Chapters:

For more information please contact:

Shannon Doka
Community Involvement Leader, SaskEnergy
Phone: 306-777-9814
Cell: 306-539-2169

Carolyn Ganes
Community Consultant KidSport™ Saskatchewan
Phone: 306-975-0875

Bill Chow
President, Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League
Phone: 306-961-4554

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